The USA(J)MO is one of the hardest mathematical contests in the United States, and in the world. The USAMO, in particular, rivals and sometimes exceeds the difficulty of the International Mathematical Olympiad. Each AIME qualifier is given an index equal to their AMC 10/12 score added to 10 times their AIME score. This is a number less than or equal to 300 (which a student gets if they have a perfect AIME and AMC score).
The top approximately 200 indices from the AMC 12 are chosen to take the United States Math Olympiad (USAMO), while approximately 200 are chosen from the AMC 10 to take the United States Junior Math Olympiad (USAJMO). The USAMO is significantly more difficult and harder to qualify than its counterpart.
The structure of the Olympiad test is a grueling 9 hour, 6 problem long proof-based contest, where contestants submit proofs and solutions to some of the hardest math problems in the world. These 9 hours are split into two 4.5 hours, 3 question days.
The winners of the USAJMO (around top 12), and the top scorers on the USAMO (around 30-40) are invited to the Math Olympiad Program (MOP), from which a team of 6 people is chosen to represent the USA in the International Mathematics Olympiad.
The USA(J)MO is the national mathematics olympiad, from which top scorers are invited to the Math Olympiad Program (MOP) where the USA IMO team is selected.
The top roughly 200 participants from AMC 12 and AIME qualify for the USA Mathematics Olympiad (USAMO), while the top roughly 200 participants from the AMC 10 and AIME qualify for the USA Junior Mathematics Olympiad (USAJMO).
The USA(J)MO is a strenuous 2-day, 9-hour, and 6-problem test of challenging and intensive proof-based problems, which is the same format of testing as the IMO. The USAMO, in particular, rivals and sometimes exceeds the difficulty of the International Mathematical Olympiad.
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Syllabus & Schedule
Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory, and Combinatorics (knowledge of calculus in not required but can be helpful at times)
One of the hardest math contests in the world, extremely strenuous and challenging even for the top minds of the country. Solving even one question is considered to be an accomplishment.
Sometime in mid-late April, a little over a month after the AIME.
The 2025 USA(J)MO will be held on March 19th and 20th in 2025.
Criteria & Format
The USA(J)MO exam is a 6 problem exam. There are 540 minutes given in the exam. Problems 1/4 are easier than 2/5, which are easier than 3/6.
Criteria to Qualify
Top scorers in the AMC and AIME are invited to take this exam. Only around 400 contestants are invited in total.
6 Questions
The USA(J)MO exam is a 6 problem exam.
Visit our Archive to see the previous year problems.
540 Minutes
There are 540 minutes given in the exam.
Due to time constraints, and for contestants to perform optimally, the test is split into two days of 270 minutes each.
Problems 1/4 are easier than 2/5, which are easier than 3/6.
The USA(J)MO is considered to be one of the hardest math contests to qualify or participate in.
The USA(J)MO is the second exam in the series of exams used to challenge bright students on the path toward choosing the team that represents the United States at the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO).
21 Random Math USA(J)MO Qualifiers
21 students have qualified for USA (Junior) Math Olympiad in 2023-2024.
The USA(J)MO is an intensive test lasting 9 hours in total, split between 2 days. There is a total of 6 proof-based questions to be answered in that time.
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