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RM Tournaments -
Silicon Valley Math Tournament

Registration for the 2025 tournament is open!
Registration Deadline: April 26th, 2025

Qualifying Rounds: May 3 - May 11, 2025
Tie -Breaker if needed:
Saturday, May 17th, 2025
Awards: Saturday, May 17th, 2025  (5:00-8:00 pm)
Venue for Tie-Breaker and Awards:
TBD - will be updated soon!

Register now

RM Tournaments - SVMT

SVMT is open to students across the globe!

  • The Silicon Valley Math Tournament is an annual tournament hosted by RM Tournaments that gives students an opportunity to apply their knowledge, creativity and math skills to solve challenging problems.
  • The tournament is designed for elementary and middle school students (Grades 1-8).
  • This year, SVMT will be hosted both in person and online and is open to students across the United States.
  • The 2025 competition will take place from May 3rd - May 11th, 2025, with multiple slots available between 9.00 AM - 8.00 PM.
  • Registrations for the 2025 competition is open!

    Registration deadline: April 26th, 2025
    We have limited slots available. If slots fill up, we will close registration early. 

    Further information on logistics will be sent to all registered participants after registration is received.

    Students can register as individuals or as teams.

This year, we will be conducting tournaments across 4 divisions:

  • Elementary 1 (E1): Grades 1 and 2 
    Elementary 2 (E2): Grades 3 and 4

    Middle School 1 (M1): Grades 5 and 6
    Middle School 2 (M2): Grades 7 and 8

    Please note: Members of a team should be fro the same division and same school.

The tournament will consist of the following events:

Individual Event - Speed Round (30 minutes)
  • The Speed Round consists of 50 problems in 30 minutes. Students are required to work on their own.

    Each student's individual score will be added to compute the overall school score for the top school award.

Individual Event - Accuracy Round (60 minutes)
  • The Accuracy Round consists of 25 problems in 60 minutes. Students are required to work on their own.

    Each student's individual score will be added to compute the overall school score for the top school award.

Rules and Regulations

The 2025 competition will run from May 3 - May 11, 2025.

There are several time slots during the week. Please refer to the schedule on the registration page

Students will be invited for tiebreakers if required on May 17, 2025.
Registration Fee
Standard Registration
$25 per student

Students can participate for free if the entry fee will cause financial hardships. Please send an email to requesting a fee waiver.

We are unable to issue any refunds for entry fees.
Tournament Rules
For online, to solve the problems you  will need a working internet connection as the tournament is online this year.

All online exams will be proctored over video call - anyone who is unaccounted for in the proctored sessions will be disqualified.

Calculators, graph papers, geometrical instruments, and electronics are not permitted during the examination.
Team composition
All members of a team should be from the same division and same school. We encourage students to form teams on their own, but if needed we can help place individuals in a team.

Each team can have up to 5 students. Note that teams with fewer students will be at a disadvantage since individual scores count towards the final team tournament score.

Option 1 - 8:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Option 2 - 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Number of spots are limited and requests for specific slots will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

‍Individual Event - Speed Round (60 minutes)
‍Individual Event - Accuracy Round (60 minutes)
Team Event (30 minutes)


  • Awards Ceremony: May 17, 2025 - 5:00-8:00 pm
    TBD - will be updated soon!
  • The Top 10 rankers from each grade will receive a trophy
    The top 20 rankers from each grade will receive a merit certificate

    Win Up to 50% Scholarships for the TOGETHER Program*
  • *Terms and Conditions of Random Math and "TOGETHER" program apply; TOGETHER Program will be coached by winners of HMMT,SMT, BMT, CALTECH, PUMaC, CMIMC
  • School Team Award of $500 for the Elementary Division (E1, E2) and $500 for the Middle School Division (M1, M2)
  • The top 10 scores of students from the same school will be added to compute the team scores, with 50% weight given to the speed round and 50% weight given to the accuracy round. Only schools with at least 20 members will be eligible for this award. The students can be from any grade or division.

What we offer

Results for SVMT 2021-2022

The AMC 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills.
AMC 8 is a national-level middle school math contest, and Random Math students have continuously excelled in it.
  • In 2019, 29 students made it to the top 1% of AMC 8 participants, out of which 9 had a perfect score. An additional 57 students made it into the top 5 - 10%.
  • The AMC 8, hosted by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), is the middle school version of the AMC 10, which is the first of tests in deciding the U.S. IMO team.
DIstinguished honor roll

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