Lynn Dai

Lynn Dai

"I am a student at Yale studying Interdisciplinary Pre-Med. I’ve always enjoyed the creative problem-solving required in competitive math and journalism, and I was inspired by my participation in Random Math to incorporate mathematical reasoning to construct better bioinformatics models in genomics research. In the future, I hope to inform my research by constructing these tools in the medicinal field to acknowledge how different cultures and societies contribute to our understanding of science and our treatment options.

I’m a 4X AIME qualifier and 2X Math Prize for Girls qualifier. Aside from individual competitions, I've also competed in the Carnegie Mellon Informatics and Mathematics Competition and the Stanford Math Tournament.

I began studying at Random Math as an eighth-grade student in 2020 and I continued throughout my junior year in 2023. Random Math has been instrumental in shaping the way I approach problem-solving, and the sessions I’ve spent working out tougher questions with teammates have allowed me to strengthen my foundations in math and manage my nerves and strategies during competitions. 

In the summer of 2022, I coached several divisions in Levels A-C. I’ve continued applying knowledge from my classes at Random Math to produce media intended to help parents and students navigate their competitive math journey.
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